Tuesday, March 25, 2008

My first post!

I've decided to create a blog so my friends and family can keep up with everything we do out here in West Texas.

I'm SO not technically savvy so thank heavens my friend Jennifer came & basically set everything up for me in hopes that I might actually learn something. Thanks Jennifer!!

Easter wasn't too eventful this year unfortunately. It was storming so we opted out of any egg hunts, Adam had a nasty stomach bug and I had to go to work at 4. It's always hardest to be away from extended family on the Holidays so of course we missed everyone. We did have a nice lunch though. We made a little ham & potatoes & green beans that we ate around noon so that was very nice. That is the one upside.....no matter where we go, we'll always have our immediate family right there with us.

Derek on Easter, March 08

Kayleigh on Easter, March 08


Jennifer said...

Hey good job! You got a link in there and everything. I told you it was easy!!!